What wonders await us …

Years ago, I approached my first excursion walking the jackabee (Jack Russell/Beagle mix) with a chore-like mentality. Now, each day is a chance to explore the hills and streets in LA and appreciate our weird, wacky and wonderful world. Some days it’s only noticing mundane items, other days it’s discovering things that make us smile and things that confound and confuse us. #exploringlosangeles #laneighborhoods #mydayinLA

learning actual plant names: #Euphorbia myrsinites, sometimes commonly
called myrtle euphorbia or #donkeytail spurge

#pollinator in action
#ginkgo leaves — and why isn’t it spelled gingko because it sounds like it should?!
leaves run through this river rock bed
finding smiles in unexpected places
terracotta turret (two of my favorite things)

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